Job Referral
We support our graduates by referring them to highly-prestigious enterprises nationwide based on their requests and school records. The employment rate for our graduates has been 100%.
Further Study in Higher Education Institutions
The graduates can choose to take matriculation examinationsto further their studies in higher education institutions. In view of their requests and school records, we help arrange the overall review of the subjects required.
“3+2” Program
Students enrolled in this program study 3 years in our school, 2 years in a higher education institution. Under this program, having completed study in our school, students directly matriculate at the designated higher education institution. It is now offered in the following school programs: Top-star Hotel Operation and Management, E-commerce, and Digital Video Post Production and ComputerAnimation & Gameproduction.
Study Abroad
Due to our excellent foreign school relations, our students have a wide variety of opportunities to study abroad.
We have selected many qualified studentsto study in Bournemouth University, AustriaInstitute of Tourism, Melbourne businessschoolin Australia, and Korean"beauty&beauty” institutions.
Personal Entrepreneurship
We facilitate students building platforms to
help build a platform for students to start their own businesses to help grow them into successful entrepreneurs.